The Foundation School stands for Climate Action.
Week 2
Placed by Susan Thomas 2018/Oct/17
Climate change is a global phenomenon that is a reality and its dirty fingerprints are evident on the environment.
Last week, the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C, a report assessment of the wide-ranging impacts that can be expected if global average temperatures rise above 1.5°C..Excessive melting of the ice caps, glaciers shrinking and breaking off, sea level rise leading to climate refugees and longer and more intense summers ,floods and droughts. Who can forget the recent floods in Kerala that left thousands homeless and the states economy in shambles. The world’s leading scientific experts collectively concluded that unprecedented and aggressive measures must be taken to reduce emissions to safe levels today.
Having looked at the causes of Climate change in the first week, the second week the students focussed on researching about the effects of climate change. Climate Reality Leader,Mr. Raj Phukan who has visited both the Antarctica and the Arctic was invited to the classroom, via Skype to share his thoughts and expertise on the effects of climate change. The students were able to share and collaborate their findings and ask him questions and discuss thus expanding their horizons.
This a warning bell that cannot be ignored and its high time we cut down our carbon emissions.