Finding Solutions
Week 4

Placed by Loredana Marilena Irimiciuc 2021/Nov/3
Colegiul Tehnic de Industrie Alimentara Suceava
Europe Romania


Students looked for solutions to the issue of Climate Change. They were organised into groups and competed into tasks that requested them to use their imagination in order to project a possible unfolding of events without any positive action being taken by humas. 

We watched other students' posts and compared our work with theirs.

Again, students chose to express their message by means of drawing.


Images by Loredana Marilena Irimiciuc 2021-10-17Irimiciuc
Images by Loredana Marilena Irimiciuc 2021-10-17Irimiciuc
Images by Loredana Marilena Irimiciuc 2021-11-03Irimiciuc
Images by Loredana Marilena Irimiciuc 2021-11-03Irimiciuc
Images by Loredana Marilena Irimiciuc 2021-11-03Irimiciuc
Images by Loredana Marilena Irimiciuc 2021-11-03Irimiciuc