eTwinning project The green changemakers
Week 5
Placed by Sanja Pavlovic Sijanovic 2021/Dec/12
We have launched an international eTwinning project The green changemakers .Project aims to innovatively develop and implement education programs for sustainable development through the development of competences and active participation of students in the field of sustainable development while strengthening the partnership between schools and local communities in raising awareness of sustainable development.The activities will encourage students to act and initiate actions aimed at achieving SDGs and sustainable society in its entirety.A series of educational, practical and creative activities and methods of innovative and experiential learning will raise the level of knowledge, awareness and skills for the adoption of green lifestyle in accordance with sustainable development. Informing the public and media about the importance of the topic as well as project implementation, will promote project activities, the importance of sustainable development, environmental and nature care and environmental action, all with the aim of developing a sustainable community.