Effects of Climate Change locally
Week 2

Placed by Amy Bivin 2021/Oct/23
Istituto Marymount
Europe Italy


We have been studying the effects of Climate Change in Rome and Europe with focus on how animals, plants, people and weather suffer. After researching and discussing we determined that the 4 most critical effects are: ice caps melting, rising temperatures, increased severe weather and animals being endangered. We created posters and are preparing a video.


Researching info for Climate Change presentation
Save the Earth Together: What is happening in Italy?
Save The Earth Together-What Can We Do?
Week 2 Climate Change Effects
Week 1 What is Climate Change and What Causes It?
Week 4 exchange ideas via Skype India and Tunisia
Week 3 Solutions
Week 3 Solutions
Images by Amy Bivin 2020-10-08Bivin
Images by Amy Bivin 2020-10-08Bivin
Images by Amy Bivin 2020-10-20Bivin
Images by Amy Bivin 2021-11-13Bivin
Images by Amy Bivin 2021-11-13Bivin
Images by Amy Bivin 2021-11-13Bivin
Images by Amy Bivin 2021-11-13Bivin
Images by Amy Bivin 2021-11-13Bivin
Images by Amy Bivin 2021-11-13Bivin