Effects of Climate Change
Week 2

Placed by Rita Seabra 2020/Oct/11
Secondary School of Pinheiro
Europe Portugal


This is our work for week 2 - How we can feel the effects of climate change globally and locally.

URL to Video on OneDrive
URL to Document


Images by Rita Seabra 2020-10-28Seabra
Images by Rita Seabra 2020-10-11Seabra
Images by Rita Seabra 2020-10-23Seabra
Images by Rita Seabra 2020-10-22Seabra
Images by Rita Seabra 2020-11-03Seabra
Images by Rita Seabra 2020-11-03Seabra
Images by Rita Seabra 2021-10-10Seabra
Images by Rita Seabra 2021-10-04Seabra
Images by Rita Seabra 2021-10-04Seabra