Week 2

Placed by Estera Maria Coste 2021/Oct/28
Scoala Gimnaziala Nr 1 Pietroasa
Europe Romania


 We have seen some movies with the effects of our facts, bad habits, indifference and the pupils had drawn how they see these effects and made a promiss to start change the situation in their places at least, A PPT/W WITH OUR WORK.

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Images by Estera Maria Coste 2021-10-28Coste
Images by Estera Maria Coste 2021-10-28Coste
Images by Estera Maria Coste 2021-10-29Coste
Images by Estera Maria Coste 2021-10-29Coste
Images by Estera Maria Coste 2021-10-29Coste
Images by Estera Maria Coste 2021-10-29Coste