Creating a folder to explain Climate Changes
Week 2

Placed by Camila Rodrigues 2020/Oct/19
Colégio Positivo Master
South America Brazil


The 5th grade group decided to create a folder with some informations about the effect on climate changes all over the planet. They also had the opportunity to search more information and to discuss the possible ways of change.


Images by Camila Rodrigues 2020-10-19Rodrigues
Images by Camila Rodrigues 2020-10-19Rodrigues
Images by Camila Rodrigues 2020-10-23Rodrigues
Images by Camila Rodrigues 2021-09-30Rodrigues
Images by Camila Rodrigues 2021-11-07Rodrigues
Images by Camila Rodrigues 2021-11-07Rodrigues