Solar Suitcase
Week 4

Placed by Brian Copes 2017/Nov/12
Thompson High School
North America USA

URL to Video on OneDrive

Minecraft Challenge Week 4
Week 4

Placed by Joe Fatheree 2017/Nov/9
Unit 40
North America USA

Minecraft Challenge Week 3
Week 3

Placed by Joe Fatheree 2017/Nov/9
Unit 40
North America USA

Minecraft Challenge Week 2
Week 2

Placed by Joe Fatheree 2017/Nov/9
Unit 40
North America USA

Minecraft Challenge Week 1
Week 1

Placed by Joe Fatheree 2017/Nov/9

North America USA

Week 4
Week 4

Placed by Melissa Collins 2017/Nov/9
North America USA

Solar suitcase
Week 5

Placed by Brian Copes 2017/Nov/1
Thompson High School
North America USA

URL to Video on OneDrive

Visit from Nomi Volain & Call to Canada
Week 4

Placed by Estella Owoimaha-Church 2017/Oct/30
Hawthorne High School
North America USA

URL to Document

Climate Action: Week 3 News Show
Week 3

Placed by Valerie / Steve Anglemyer/Bowser 2017/Oct/26
NorthWood Middle School
North America USA

Mixed Media Projects & Guest, Naomi Volain
Week 4

Placed by Estella Owoimaha-Church 2017/Oct/25
Hawthorne High School
North America USA
