Definition of Climate changes
Week 1

Placed by Natasa Arambasic 2020/Oct/2
"Nasa Radost"
Europe Serbia

URL to Document

The planet breathes in the same rhythm
Week 1

Placed by Slavica Pokornic 2020/Oct/2
Matija Gubec
Europe Serbia

URL to Document

Climate action project
Week 1

Placed by Natasha Arsenijevic 2020/Oct/2

Log in to show Presentation file

Climate Change Week 1
Week 1

Placed by Lidija Fox 2020/Oct/2

What causes climate change on earth?
Week 1

Placed by Ivana Rončević 2020/Oct/2

URL to Video on OneDrive

Why climate changes happen?
Week 1

Placed by Natasa Vrapcevic 2020/Oct/1
