Climate action Vadul lui Voda TWILE
Week 1

Placed by Natalia Lungu 2020/Oct/4

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Introduction of Climate Change
Week 1

Placed by Ala Rosca 2020/Oct/4
IPLT "Alexandru Agapie"
Europe Moldova

Schimbările climaterice
Week 1

Placed by Chilbovici Elena 2020/Oct/4
Gimnaziul nr. 102
Europe Moldova

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Climate Action week 1
Week 1

Placed by Daniela Sterbet 2020/Oct/4

URL to Video on OneDrive

An amazing week
Week 1

Placed by Lucia Horozov 2020/Oct/3
LT "Ion Creanga"
Europe Moldova

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I am very happy to take part in this worldwide climate action project.
Week 1

Placed by Natalia Pleșca 2020/Oct/3
