Forest in our school
Week 4

Placed by Ana Maria Balazuela 2019/Dec/20

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Local Plant Area - Creating more greener spaces
Week 3

Placed by Ana Maria Balazuela 2019/Dec/9

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Climate Change Effects - by WLSA Shanghai Academy G10 students
Week 2

Placed by Ana Maria Balazuela 2019/Dec/2

What is Climate Change? - by WLSA Shanghai Academy G10 students
Week 1

Placed by Ana Maria Balazuela 2019/Nov/26

Climate Change in China
Week 3

Placed by Michael Harvey 2017/Oct/17

The role of education to combat climate change
Week 3

Placed by Michael Harvey 2017/Oct/17

Climate Change in China
Week 2

Placed by Michael Harvey 2017/Oct/13

What is climate change?
Week 1

Placed by Michael Harvey 2017/Oct/9
