What is climate change? P1
Week 1

Placed by Tamara Truax 2017/Oct/7
International School
North America USA

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What is Weather, Climate and Climate Change? Week 1 Dunlea/Delaney
Week 1

Placed by Michael Dunlea 2017/Oct/7
Tabernacle Elementary
North America USA

Take Climate Action
Week 1

Placed by Sean Robinson 2017/Oct/6
Riverside Secondary
North America Canada

Hello from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania!
Week 1

Placed by Kylee Babish 2017/Oct/6

What is Global Climate Change?
Week 1

Placed by Vickie Morgado 2017/Oct/6
St. Timothy
North America Canada

URL to Document

Climate Action: Week 1 News Show
Week 1

Placed by Valerie / Steve Anglemyer/Bowser 2017/Oct/6
NorthWood Middle School
North America USA

Ebony & Cynthia's Sway on What is Climate Change?
Week 1

Placed by Andrew Campbell 2017/Oct/6
Major Ballachey School
North America Canada

URL to Document

What are the Causes and Effects of Climate Change?
Week 2

Placed by Tara Dale 2017/Oct/6
Desert Ridge High School
North America USA

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What is Climate Change?
Week 1

Placed by Tara Dale 2017/Oct/6
Desert Ridge High School
North America USA

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