Conferencing & Collaborating With Schools Worldwide
Week 3

Placed by Kashmira Jaiswal 2020/Oct/18
Navrachana School, Sama, Vadodara
Asia India


Week 3 was about interacting with various institutes from various countries/continents who had taken up the Climate Action Project. We interacted with the following schools:

  1. DPS International School, Gurgaon, India- [Teacher: Mrs. PARUL PATHAK]
  2. Romania- [Teacher: Ms. TEREZA ADAM]
  3. Kingsheaid Jess Sschool, Hasselt, Belgium- Mr. KOEN SMETS
  4. Oou Vlado Tasevski School, Macedonia-Mrs. VIOLETA PANEV
  5. Sveti Trigun Secondary School, Serbia- Ms. MAJA STOSIC

Students from Navrachana School Sama had huge takeaways from these enlightening sessions where they learnt more about the climate changes taking place in different countries from across the world and the initiatives taken by their governments. These interaction sessions also gave us a platform to explain our initiative of "Upskill to Upcycle".

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Images by Kashmira Jaiswal 2020-10-21Jaiswal
Images by Kashmira Jaiswal 2020-10-11Jaiswal
Images by Kashmira Jaiswal 2020-10-19Jaiswal
Images by Kashmira Jaiswal 2020-10-25Jaiswal
Images by Kashmira Jaiswal 2020-11-11Jaiswal
Images by Kashmira Jaiswal 2020-12-07Jaiswal