ClimateActionP Vinnytsia UA Week 3
Week 3

Placed by Vladyslav Kachur 2019/Oct/24
Vinnytsia Gymnasium № 6
Europe Ukraine


This week my students brainstormed the ideas that can contribute to the solutions of eco problems in our city. We tried such methods as design thinking and mind mapping. As a result, we decided to launch #iCareChallenge (the challenge of eco friendly deeds) in social media, design mini eco posters to remind the students from our school to save energy and water, play in eco performance and participate in Climate Drops project in Ukraine. 


ClimateActionP Vinnytsia UA Week 1
ClimateActionP Vinnytsia UA Week 2
ClimateActionP Vinnytsia UA Week 3
ClimateActionP Vinnytsia UA Week 3
Images by Vladyslav Kachur 2020-10-18Kachur
Images by Vladyslav Kachur 2020-10-18Kachur
Images by Vladyslav Kachur 2021-10-13Kachur
Images by Vladyslav Kachur 2021-10-13Kachur
Images by Vladyslav Kachur 2021-10-27Kachur