ClimateActionP Vinnytsia UA Week 2
Week 2

Placed by Vladyslav Kachur 2019/Oct/17
Vinnytsia Gymnasium № 6
Europe Ukraine


Week 2 of Climate Action Project is focused on the effects of climate changes.
The students of Vinnytsia Gymnasium # 6 explored the similarities and differences in how climate change is impacting our planet and our local community.
They also worked on developing a hypothesis/prediction about the local and global effects they think a warming climate may be having on flora, fauna and weather patterns based on the information given by NASA, UN, WWF and EU. As a result, they practised their presentation and scribing skills sharing their thoughts and findings with each other.


ClimateActionP Vinnytsia UA Week 1
ClimateActionP Vinnytsia UA Week 2
ClimateActionP Vinnytsia UA Week 3
ClimateActionP Vinnytsia UA Week 3
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Images by Vladyslav Kachur 2021-10-13Kachur
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