climate changes week 3 how to help
Week 3

Placed by Malgorzata Buszman 2019/Oct/23


in week 3 we prepared leaflets, posters and wall list of solutions how to prevent climate changes. We conducted lessons with younger students. kasia one of the students built Minecraft windmills and solar panels to show how to live ecologically. We concluded that we have impact every day: don't use plastic, save water, turn off your devices, don't buy so many clothes! We are going to plant trees with support of Forest District in Kolbudy.


Causes of climate changes
Causes of climate changes 1
Effects of climate changes week 2
climate changes week 3 how to help
Images by Malgorzata Buszman 2020-10-04Buszman
Images by Malgorzata Buszman 2020-10-11Buszman
Images by Malgorzata Buszman 2020-10-19Buszman