Climate change: Phrases to keep in mind!
Week 1

Placed by Silvana Carnicero 2018/Oct/10
Mother of Mercy School
South America Argentina


Students in second and sixth year will take part in the project. So far students have looked up phrases related to the importance of caring for climate change.


Mother of Mercy School- Avellaneda- Buenos Aires
Minecraft designs for climate change
Images by Silvana Carnicero 2020-10-03Carnicero
Images by Silvana Carnicero 2020-10-28Carnicero
Images by Silvana Carnicero 2021-10-12Carnicero
Images by Silvana Carnicero 2021-10-22Carnicero
Images by Silvana Carnicero 2021-10-15Carnicero
Images by Silvana Carnicero 2021-10-15Carnicero
Images by Silvana Carnicero 2021-10-15Carnicero