climate action_week 2
Week 2
Placed by Priyanka Modi 2020/Oct/11
Climate effects
Effects of climate change (globally):
- Temperatures will continue to rise
- Changes in precipitation(rain, snow, hail, sleet) patterns
- Glaciers melting; Scientists predict that the Arctic will become snow-free
- Sea levels rising
- Hurricanes more likely to occur and stronger
- Droughts more likely to occur
- More heatwaves
- Risks of animal endangerment
Effects of climate change(nationally):
- More heatwaves
- Higher chance of floods
- Less rainfall(in some areas)
- Groundwater levels decreasing
- Agriculture not produced effectivity( because of less rainfall)
- Water demands increase
- More health diseases ( malaria, malnutrition, etc.)
- More droughts
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