Climate Action Project ( Week 1)
Week 1

Placed by Natasa Vrapcevic 2019/Oct/11


In the first week we discussed with children about climate and weather, and differences between climate and weather. Children were playing with seasons puzzles and we were discussing about changed characteristic of seasons.

Than we were discussing about causes of these changings and we concluded that causes are transportation, factories, mobile phones, deforestation...

We read story : "Factory of air" and children created various drawings.

Also, children worked in small groups and presented their work about climate changes knowledge.

We concluded that people caused all these changes.


Images by Natasa Vrapcevic 2020-10-01Vrapcevic
Images by Natasa Vrapcevic 2020-10-30Vrapcevic
Images by Natasa Vrapcevic 2020-10-30Vrapcevic
Images by Natasa Vrapcevic 2020-11-01Vrapcevic