Climate Action Project: Manifesto / Webinar
Week 5

Placed by Ana Fonseca 2020/Nov/2
Escola Secundaria Almeida Garrett
Europe Portugal


We told students that we will be calling on mayors to make a pledge and asked them what they thought should be part of the manifesto. They made suggestions of what to ask the mayors to agree on. Since our schedules won't allow us to participate in the webinar, we requested our youngesters to make suggestions of the questions they'd like to be answered. They worked in pairs or individually but always keeping social distancing. 

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Images by Kashfa Neyaz 2020-10-02Neyaz
Images by Ana Fonseca 2020-10-09Fonseca
Images by Ana Fonseca 2020-10-19Fonseca
Images by Ana Fonseca 2020-10-26Fonseca
Images by Ana Fonseca 2020-11-09Fonseca
Images by Ana Fonseca 2020-11-09Fonseca