Climate action
Week 6

Placed by Dhanam Sivalingam 2021/Nov/9



Climate Action week 6

Topic: Students take action and bring change at school, home, community and the government Students Action : In school: Our student give voice to zero literless campaign .we should not pollute the Environment . We should follow 5r concept Reduce Recycle,Reuse, Recover, Replace. Our Children collect the waste and convert into the useful material to reuse the product like water bottle as gardening purpose, craft work material from CD, paper work… In home: Our children plant a saplings in their home to prevent climate change… Homes and commercial buildings account for about a third of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions, because it takes energy to heat and cool them and to power all the gadgets we’ve got plugged in. Old-style incandescent light bulbs in your house, go buy LEDs instead. And stop electronic devices such as televisions and laptop computers from sipping power all night long. Plugging them into a power strip makes it easy to disconnect them at night, and a “smart power strip” The solar panels and heater renewable energy resources used in home. In Community: Solar renewable energy resources light plant in the streets as street lamp,parks. first and foremost, reduce their consumption; recycle and compost whenever possible; ask their apartment/workplace/church etc. to implement recycling and/or composting; if composting is not an option where they live, that talk to their local representatives about developing a composting program. Our children secure pet animals,birds by building a shed,nest and safeguard them. In government: India’s Prime Narendra Modi has set his country a target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2070, a significantly later deadline than many other countries attending the Glasgow climate summit. India also set itself a deadline of 2030 to reduce its emissions by one billion tonnes.

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