Causes of Climate Change
Week 1

Placed by Disha Verma Kalra 2020/Oct/5


Three activities were conducted for three goals:

Padlet wall  for Goal 1: Goal 1: Establish a shared definition of climate change
Powerpoint presentation for Goal 2: Better understand the causes of climate change.
Digital Collage for Goal 3: What is your personal connection to climate change

URL to Document


Images by Disha Verma Kalra 2020-10-19Verma Kalra
Images by Disha Verma Kalra 2020-10-12Verma Kalra
Images by Disha Verma Kalra 2020-10-19Verma Kalra
Images by Disha Verma Kalra 2020-11-03Verma Kalra