Causes of climate change
Week 1

Placed by Meghna Singh 2019/Oct/13
The British School,Chanakyapuri
Asia India
New Delhi


Students learnt about climate change and its causes. First , they all had to brainstorm if climate change was happening or not.  After that they had some thinking time to feel any changes in their climate. Once they all agreed on the premise that climate change was happening, then they got on reading some articles in pairs and from various reliable sources of information like Natgeo, NASA and UN articles to read about  the causes. Some of the causes discussed in class were : Greenhouse effect,the increase in the level of CO2 in the atmosphere has caused the earth's temperature to rise, observations like melting of polar ice caps, warming oceans, shrinking ice sheets, glaciers , due to the increase in global temperature . Extreme events and acidic level rise in oceans due to absorbption of CO2 by oceans. We'll continue our discussion on carbon footprint in our everday lives this week.

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Week 1 Causes of Climate change