Causes and effect of climate changes globally
Week 3

Placed by Nada Ratković 2020/Oct/15


Global environmental issues list

•Most obvious signs of this include irregularities in:


•frequent storms,

•melting glaciers,

•rising levels of sea etc.

•the planet is heading for a dramatic climate change

•Environmental issues at global level

•Depletion of natural resources

•Water pollution

•Air pollution

•Ground water pollution

•Toxic chemicals & soil pollution

•Ozone layer depletion

•Global warming

•Loss of bio-diversity

•Extinction of wildlife and loss of natural habitat

•Nuclear wastes and radiation issues

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Images by Nada Ratković 2020-10-16Ratković
Images by Nada Ratković 2020-10-10Ratković
Images by Nada Ratković 2020-10-16Ratković
Images by Nada Ratković 2020-10-21Ratković
Images by Nada Ratković 2020-10-30Ratković
Images by Nada Ratković 2020-11-07Ratković