Building through interactions
Week 5

Placed by Tatiana Polucci 2020/Nov/1


Building through interactions
This week we interacted with Group colleagues, trying to solve some problems that are the causes of climate change. In analyzing and discussing, we have proposed some measures that we could take to slow down the changes that are taking place around us. But a small group like us cannot bring about a major change in climate change, so we urge that we create a group that includes all those who want future generations to have a place they can call home. Together we are more.
Let's build a world where everyone is happy with what is happening around him.

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Images by Tatiana Polucci 2020-10-17Polucci
Images by Tatiana Polucci 2020-10-11Polucci
Images by Tatiana Polucci 2020-10-17Polucci
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Images by Tatiana Polucci 2020-11-08Polucci