Arctic plants
Week 3

Placed by Valbona Shkëmbi 2020/Nov/23
Koço Korçari secondary school
Europe Albania


 It is hard for plants to grow in the Arctic. Once the snow melts the growing season is short. Even in the summer it is cold and windy and there are just a few months of sunshine. Yet, many different types of plants have adapted to the Arctic tundra. wild flowers on the tundra, courtesy of US Fish and Wildlife Service Colourful wildflowers bloom from the end of June to the end of July. There are many flowering plants like purple saxifrage, mountain avens, wild crocus, arctic poppies, buttercups, cinquefoil, moss campion, campanulas, arctic azaleas and arctic lupine Other plants that grow there are mosses, grasses, herbs, lichens and small shrubs like the dwarf willow and arctic willow

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Images by Valbona Shkëmbi 2020-11-23Shkëmbi
Images by Valbona Shkëmbi 2020-11-22Shkëmbi