Week 6

Placed by Fazla Sharmil 2021/Oct/30
Iman Academy
Asia Sri Lanka


Aquaponics is a form of gardening that lets you grow vegetables and fish at the same time all in a closed system. It involves using fish to provide nutrients for the plants, while the plants filter the water for the fish.

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Images by Fazla Sharmil 2021-11-02Sharmil
Images by Fazla Sharmil 2021-11-03Sharmil
Images by Fazla Sharmil 2021-10-24Sharmil
Images by Fazla Sharmil 2021-10-24Sharmil
Images by Fazla Sharmil 2021-11-03Sharmil
Images by Fazla Sharmil 2021-11-03Sharmil