Week 6

Placed by Danijela Draganić 2021/Nov/13
OŠ kralja Tomislava
Europe Croatia


We wrote to the Prime Minister, the Mayor of Zagreb and the headmaster of our school with suggestions on how to help stop climate change. In the spring, we will replant trees and flowers in the school yard. We decided to bathe local groceries, recycle more and walk. Also we want to help our bears.


Images by Danijela Draganić 2021-11-08Draganić
Images by Danijela Draganić 2021-11-08Draganić
Images by Danijela Draganić 2021-11-13Draganić
Images by Danijela Draganić 2021-11-13Draganić
Images by Danijela Draganić 2021-11-13Draganić
Images by Danijela Draganić 2021-11-13Draganić