Lavanya Goyal

When we talk about Climate Change the first thing that comes to mind is one of the main causes of Climate Change, is the burning of Fossil fuels.
Fossil fuels are made from decomposing plants and animals. These fuels are found in the Earth's crust and contain carbon and hydrogen, which can be burned for energy. Coal, oil, and natural gas are examples of fossil fuels.
Because economic growth leads to increased energy use and because cars consume fossil fuels, prosperity in developing countries (like China), leads to more global energy consumption.
But what about developing countries?
In the olden days and even now, A basic rule was followed,
This rule has led to fierce arguments between developed and developing countries about the fairness of reducing emission even though developing countries already do not have much.
But in the past decade, we have seen that preventing climate change is not necessarily coupled with economic growth.
What are the effects of Climate Change?
As we already know some effects are,
• Hotter temperatures
• Increased drought
• Severe storms
• Rise of sea levels
• Melting of glaciers
The one effect not all people know is that climate change changes the behaviour of humans. In
fact, psychologists say that it is true. However, the weather can’t affect our happy mood but
indeed it affects our negative mood.
How does the climate affect us?
First of all, the weather doesn’t have a direct impact on our mood but, it affects the way we
function and how we live. For example, sunlight in a way affects our mood. The amount of
sunlight we get depends on how our mood is. If we get less sunlight that you’re probably gloomy.
If you get more sunlight you’ll probably feel happier.
What are the causes of Climate Change?
The main reason of Climate change is because of the burning of fossil fuels like oil, gas and coal.
When, burnt they release carbon dioxide in air causing the planet to heat up.
Some other causes are,
• Generating power
• Manufacturing goods
• Cutting down forests
• Using transportation
Name: Mrittika
School: GIG International School, Singapore
Section: 6 B
Climate Change in Singapore
Climate Change is a significant global problem which has not only affected the Earth, but
also us. Singapore, which is a country very near to the equator, is already hot, but due to the
recent global warming and climate change, these temperatures have just increased over
time in staggering amounts
Why is climate change occurring in Singapore?
Climate change has a lot of reasons for occurring in Singapore. One of the most significant
reasons for Climate change is greenhouse gases. The most affective of these toxic gases is
CO2 or Carbon Dioxide. Some reasons for emission of Carbon Dioxide is burning fossil fuels
to meet our energy needs in the industry, building, household and transport sectors in
Not only this, but there is another reason as well. The Urban Heat Island Effect. This means
that climate change or global warming will occur due to the waste heat emitted by vehicles
and factories and the heat which is contained by buildings and emitted during the night-
time, warming the atmosphere more, than it already is.
These reasons have largely affected Singapore and its surroundings. These effects can be
things like increased temperatures, larger amount of health risks, such as sickness, heat
stroke, etc and increased rainfall and sea level.
However one thing to note is that Singapore takes its eco-friendliness very seriously.
Singapore has started managing its vehicle population and has made a switch from fuel oil
to natural gas to produce electricity for many of its own public transport options like buses.
Another thing to note is that it has many advantages, being very small and having aid from
other countries. Overall, climate change is a very serious problem but Singapore might just
find its way through it.
Credit to NEA, Energytracker.asia, CNA and NCCS.
( Communication over the phone)
Laura:- Hi Earth! How are you?
Earth:- Hi Laura! Yes i am okay
Laura:- Why are you sad?
Earth:- It’s just that my children(humans) are not treating me properly. Nevermind leave it.
Laura:- I got two tickets to cheer you up
Earth: - For what
Laura:- Art museum
Earth:- Oh really I will be right there!
Laura:- Ok cool
(Earth hungs up on the phone)
Earth:- Hi Laura! I am here
Laura:- Well that was fast
(They enter the art museum)
Earth:- Wow it is full of my pictures
Laura:- You look so young. You look so beautiful with the white smile
Earth:- yeah, My children treated me well but now. Let’s not talk about it. It feels like I am dying day by day. I am losing all my resources like water, fossil fuels, oil ,natural gas, and coal.
Laura:- Oh no! So sad. Can I help you with anything?
Earth:- Thanks but I want to make them realise.
Laura:- No I am not letting that happen. I am going to form an organisation that focuses on Earth. I am going to create a press conference tomorrow and I will let them know what is happening and going to happen to our sweet mother. I will let them know we are the cause of your health . I will tell them not to waste precious resources like the elements of earth! I will let them know the consequences are pollution, climate change, deforestation and global warming. They will learn to protect you.
Earth:- Thank you. I will be grateful to you.
Hasini 8A
Sustainable clothing
Sustainable clothing has not been prioritized in the last few decades. However, with more up-to-date fashion trends, sustainability in the fashion sector and their products is being given more and more importance. However, there is still space for improvement. The WWF is trying to increase the amount of sustainability in these garments and apparels in the past few years and even now. Some companies have agreed to help the WWF in this goal towards total sustainability in the fashion sector, like:-
Some companies have created sustainable initiatives even without the WWF’S which is equally responsible in nature’s comeback through sustainable clothing. Some major companies who do this are :-
Assoune, A. (2021b, March 16). Anta Group And WWF Sign A Powerful Partnership. Panaprium. Retrieved October 9, 2022, from https://www.panaprium.com/blogs/i/anta-wwf
Environmental Responsibility Programs - Patagonia. (n.d.). Retrieved October 9, 2022, from https://www.patagonia.com/our-responsibility-programs.html
Everlane. (n.d.). Our environmental initiatives. Retrieved October 9, 2022, from https://www.everlane.com/sustainability
H&M. (2022). Our work with WWF. H&M Group. Retrieved October 9, 2022, from https://hmgroup.com/sustainability/circularity-and-climate/our-work-with....
Nike. (2022, September 21). Nike Forward. Retrieved October 9, 2022, from https://www.nike.com/sg/a/nike-forward?cp=32474922017_search_%7csg%7cBrand+-+DSA+-+EN_EN%7cDSA+-+All+Webpages%7cGOOGLE&ds_rl=1300698&ds_rl=1300698&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIj_STuafT-gIVAJlmAh19BgNiEAAYASAAEgJAg_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
By Arkadeep Singha (Class 7A)
Jeans Jeans are a common and popular fashion in the 21st century. Many people use it but not many people know the dark and dirty way of making jeans. Today I am going to show you how jeans are made and the advantages and disadvantages of jeans and many more.
Firstly, Jeans have their good and bad sides. Many of the jeans you have are made from unsustainable materials. Let’s find out what bad sides your daily jeans have
Cotton firstly to grow takes up a lot of water as cotton I one of the thirstiest plants on the planet. To get the color of the jeans is another story itself. The jeans dye is so very harmful, to the water bodies. It is so bad that people that live nearby had to leave due to the lack of food and cleanliness of the water
Many of the jeans have now used less harmful chemicals by decreasing the darkness and washing and cleansing it with chemicals to decrease its effect. Due to the effect of water pollution, many companies like Levi’s have made goals to have cottonfree jeans and shirts. Denim has taken this to another level by creating an entirely different brand called Taylor stitch organic 68’ denim. Denim has also started using Tencel which is basically dried-up wood pulp. In Belgium, the jeans are 50% made out of old jeans and 50% of Tencel which removes most of the hazardous chemicals used. This uses 6000 liters of water less than a regular pair of jeans. Now you must be like removing all your jeans and throwing them in the trash, that will just cause more harm. There are many ways you can reuse them too.
These are some things you can do with old jeans :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nulpilk4 WYw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMA0G mb6_RM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7jgTeL 3mik
Now it’s your turn to reuse your old jeans and make a difference in your society
Chekith 6B
Climate change – Comic By Hasini ,GIGIS, Singapore Story:-
(on the phone) Laura:- Hi Earth! How are you? Earth:- Hi Laura! Yes i am okay Laura:- Why are you sad? Earth:- It’s just that my children(humans) are not treating me properly. Nevermind leave it. Laura:- I got two tickets to cheer you up Earth: - For what Laura:- Art museum Earth:- Oh really I will be right there! Laura:- Ok cool (Earth hungs up on the phone) Earth:- Hi Laura! I am here Laura:- Well that was fast (They enter the art museum) Earth:- Wow it is full of my pictures Laura:- You look so young. You look so beautiful with the white smile Earth:- yeah, My children treated me well but now. Let’s not talk about it. It feels like I am dying day by day. I am losing all my resources like water, fossil fuels, oil ,natural gas, and coal. Laura:- Oh no! So sad. Can I help you with anything? Earth:- Thanks but I want to make them realise. Laura:- No I am not letting that happen. I am going to form an organisation that focuses on Earth. I am going to create a press conference tomorrow and I will let them know what is happening and going to happen to our sweet mother. I will let them know we are the cause of your health . I will tell them not to waste precious resources like the elements of earth! I will let them know the consequences are pollution, climate change, deforestation and global warming. They will learn to protect you. Earth:- Thank you. I will be grateful to you