Ayyapparaj MANI

Climate change is the long-term global warming of the planet, which is caused by the increasing levels of green housegases in the Planet atmosphere such as carbondioxide, and methane. Global warming increases in Earth's average temperature due to human activities. There are causes in climate change. Theyare : Burning fossil fuels, deforestation and laand-use changes, agriculture and livestock production, industrial processes and transportation, population growth, consumption patterns etc.
The effects of climate changes in global temperatures rise, melting glaciers and harming human health and eco-systems. climate change fuels more frequent and intense heat waves, droughts and storms. these diasters destry infrastructure, disrupt economies and claim lives.
Climate change is a global issues.this refers to the long-term warming of the planet due to rising temperatures, melting ice caps and extreme weather events. Humans and wild animals face new challenges for survival because of climate change. More frequent and intense drought, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels and warming oceans can directly harm animals, destroy the places they live.