Jovanka Angjelkoska

Co-teacher: Tatjana Loshkoska, Silvana Krsteska
I have been a teacher of civic education for the past 10 years. I encourage my students to develop and create a conscious and critical view of what is happening around them. Collaborate, research, act, and change things. Let's fight for a better future. I participated in projects important to society (eco-projects, civic responsibility, student cooperation - respect for differences, conflict resolution)

School: Primary School "Kocho Racin" - Ohrid 15 students are involved The average age of the students: 11-14 Año

Projects 2022

Primary School Kocho Racin, Ohrid - week 1

In the first week of the project, students working in Jamboard answered the questions: 1. What is your definition of climate change? 2. What causes climate change? 3. What is your personal relationship with climate change?

Primary School Kocho Racin, Ohrid - week 2

Students' activities in the second week of the project, writing in Padlet about the causes that cause climate change and what consequences occur as a result of them.

Primary School Kocho Racin, Ohrid, Week 3

In the third week, we created a padlet board on which each student wrote three causes and consequences of climate change.

Primary School Kocho Racin, Ohrid, Week 4

In week 4 we used the mentimeter tool. Students wrote down their ideas about the actions that institutions and every individual should take to reduce the climate crisis.

Primary School Kocho Racin, Ohrid, Week 5

Using lego blocks, the students pointed out that people should take more care of nature, the preservation of water and greenery is of great importance. It is necessary to recycle the waste, especially the plastic that we use more and more. To use solar energy through solar systems.

Primary School Kocho Racin, Ohrid, Week 6


As final activities, the students realized several environmental actions. They collected fruit seeds, which they then planted in the school yard. They made cheerful pots from already used cans, which they painted and decorated with various colors, in which they planted flowers. They collected caps, which they selected in various colors. They made a mixture on which to place the caps and made fun tiles, which were placed in the school yard to make a fun game.


Images by Jovanka Angjelkoska 2022-10-31Angjelkoska
Images by Jovanka Angjelkoska 2022-10-31Angjelkoska
Images by Jovanka Angjelkoska 2022-11-18Angjelkoska
Images by Jovanka Angjelkoska 2022-11-18Angjelkoska
Images by Jovanka Angjelkoska 2022-11-22Angjelkoska
Images by Jovanka Angjelkoska 2022-11-22Angjelkoska