Introduction to the project, initial question for students, watching videos, discussions, creating posters and more. We submitted causes to The Longest list of Causes. The activities were carried out on Computer Science classes and as homework.
Collaboration on MS Teams and OneNote, searching the internet, watching videos, discussions, intergenerational conversations and more.
We submitted effects to The Longest list of Effects.
The activities were carried out on Computer Science classes and as homework.
Reflection on causes and effects of climate change and discussion about the results of intergenerational conversations. Collaboration on MS Teams and OneNote, searching the internet, watching videos, creating digital posters and more.
The activities were carried out on Computer Science classes and as homework.
Students participated in the LEGO Build the Change webinar on October 20th.
Students consider the question What can individuals, organizations, and governments do to address the climate crisis? and they collaborated on Miro board.
We added our solutions to The Ultimate List of Solutions for Climate Change.
The activities were carried out on Computer Science classes.
Students collaborated on MS Teams and OneNote on the topic: Climate Change solutions in our school?
Each team presented its idea, key messages and visual identity created with Canva. The best students ideas will be presented in our school next week.
All students completed the World’s Largest Lesson Transforming Education Survey for students. Students participated in the Climate Action Day, Watch Party. We collaborated with school from Greece on the Padlet Let's connect. Students prepared their own ideas for climate change solutions in our school and we exposed them on the board in the school corridor. Call for climate action in school was published on the school Facebook page. We invited all students, parents, teachers and other employees of the school to join the further elaboration of our students' ideas. We submitted our actions to the Longest list of Actions. On the school website we published all about our Climate Action Project activities, for each week.