MaiActing, Portugal changing!
Week 1

Placed by Isaura Magalhães 2020/Oct/12


We are aware of the effects of climate change in our city and around it and we want to be active abou this.

Climate changes are real and it is our responsibility to change our lifestyle, and the lifestyle of people who live near us, and start thinking about real things we can do every day to change the course of things.

We want to present solutions to be done NOW, not tomorrow, because tomorrow it will be too late!

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Images by Isaura Magalhães 2020-10-12Magalhães
Images by Isaura Magalhães 2020-11-07Magalhães
Images by Isaura Magalhães 2020-11-07Magalhães
Images by Isaura Magalhães 2020-11-06Magalhães
Images by Isaura Magalhães 2020-11-06Magalhães
Images by Isaura Magalhães 2020-11-07Magalhães