Lyceum N.M.Spataru Week 4
Week 4

Placed by Larisa Gubina 2021/Oct/25


Team "Smile" learnt about their carbon footprint and decided to do something to make it smaller. First of all we discussed solutions and make the list of them, each member of the team made personal promises to our planet. This week students of our lyceum went hiking to see the beauty of our countryside on the one hand and see the environmental problems on the other. We all were very impressed by the presentations made by our partners from India. It was a great online communication. Here our video report about this week. 

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Images by Larisa Gubina 2020-10-18Gubina
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Images by Larisa Gubina 2020-10-18Gubina
Images by Larisa Gubina 2020-10-25Gubina
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Images by Larisa Gubina 2020-11-09Gubina
Images by Larisa Gubina 2021-10-11Gubina
Images by Larisa Gubina 2021-10-11Gubina
Images by Larisa Gubina 2021-10-20Gubina
Images by Larisa Gubina 2021-10-25Gubina
Images by Larisa Gubina 2021-11-01Gubina
Images by Larisa Gubina 2021-11-03Gubina