
Me and my collegue worked toghether to introduce the preschoolers into the theme of climate exchange. We used a short movie about climate, pollution and solutions to avoid climate change. The children were asked questios after each sequence, for better understanding, so at the end of the lesson we played a little role play in which teacher was the Earth and they the pollution factors and their effects, for ex. ,,Hi Earth, I am the gas form the cars, and your oxigen field its lower and lower because of me." ,,What can I do?" the Earth asks the children. They respond: ,,Use more bicycles, electric vehickes, walk more, and the Earth will be healthier!"

After finding solutions and making sure the kids understood what climate means and what climate exchange consists of, we painted a picture about the theme, so to encourage through our exhibition, the use of alternatives in order to reduce climate exchange.

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Images by Diana Livia Buzila 2020-10-05Buzila
Images by Diana Livia Buzila 2020-10-14Buzila
Images by Diana Livia Buzila 2020-10-27Buzila
Images by Diana Livia Buzila 2020-10-27Buzila