Our trip to the Recycling Center
Week 3

Placed by Anne Craig 2019/Oct/23
Green Hedges School
North America USA

Breaking Down
Week 3

Placed by Paula Williams 2019/Oct/23
High Meadows School
North America USA

Effects of Climate Change
Week 2

Placed by Tiffanee Reynolds 2019/Oct/22

URL to Document

Creating Solutions - Repurpose, Reuse, Recycle
Week 4

Placed by Martha Kubik 2019/Oct/21
North America USA

URL to Video on OneDrive

Creating Solutions - Batteries Powered by Salt Water and Dirt
Week 3

Placed by Martha Kubik 2019/Oct/21
North America USA

URL to Video on OneDrive

Climate Change Effects in New Jersey
Week 2

Placed by Martha Kubik 2019/Oct/21
North America USA

URL to Video on OneDrive

Protectors of the Environment in New Jersey
Week 1

Placed by Martha Kubik 2019/Oct/21
North America USA

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