Week 6

Placed by Delphine Normand 2022/Nov/12

URL to Document

Week 4

Placed by Delphine Normand 2022/Nov/12

URL to Document

Effects of climate change IN SPAIN: Valencia. Intergenerational testimonies
Week 2

Placed by Delphine Normand 2022/Oct/24

URL to Video on OneDrive
URL to Document

Take action!
Week 6

Placed by Montse Bou 2022/Oct/20
La Roda
Europe Spain

Week 5 28608
Week 5

Placed by Montse Bou 2022/Oct/20
La Roda
Europe Spain

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What is causing climate change in our city?
Week 3

Placed by Montse Bou 2022/Oct/20
La Roda
Europe Spain

URL to Document
