Climate change - What is it? Causes
Week 1

Placed by Maria Dias 2020/Oct/11

Effects of Climate Change
Week 2

Placed by Rita Seabra 2020/Oct/11

URL to Video on OneDrive
URL to Document

Effects of climate change
Week 2

Placed by Marina Hussein 2020/Oct/11

Effects of the climate changes
Week 2

Placed by Soledade Ferreira 2020/Oct/11

We thought about... what causes climate changes?
Week 1

Placed by Soledade Ferreira 2020/Oct/11

Global Tree Planting
Week 2

Placed by Fernanda Moreira 2020/Oct/11

URL to Document
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Global Tree Planting
Week 2

Placed by Fernanda Moreira 2020/Oct/11

URL to Document
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