Local to Global --Virtual Exchanges
Week 4

Placed by Sayuri Hasegawa 2021/Oct/21

Effects in Japan + Intergeneration Interviews
Week 2

Placed by Sayuri Hasegawa 2021/Oct/20

Week 3 - the effects of climate change on our planet
Week 3

Placed by Mariano Zuk 2021/Oct/17

Week 2 - Effects of Climate Change
Week 2

Placed by Mariano Zuk 2021/Oct/17

Effects in flora, fauna, weather patterns, and human activity and lifestyle.
Week 2

Placed by Mayumi Shinkawa 2021/Oct/15

URL to Document

Podcast Week 02 Project
Week 2

Placed by Jay-R Evangelista 2021/Oct/14

Climate Change - Definitions and Causes
Week 1

Placed by Sayuri Hasegawa 2021/Oct/11

Week 1 18025
Week 1

Placed by Mayumi Shinkawa 2021/Oct/4

URL to Document

G6 Hope International Academy Okinawa Group Definition of Climate Change
Week 1

Placed by Helene Smittil 2021/Oct/3

URL to Video on OneDrive

WEEK 1 - Causes of Climate Change
Week 1

Placed by Mio Horio 2021/Oct/3

URL to Document
