The Climate Action Project focuses mainly on Goal 13 - Climate Action, which tells us about the need to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts on our day-to-day lives.
The project also contributes to ODS 4 - Quality Education, which recognizes the importance of Sustainable Development and the role of education in responding to climate change.
It is imperative to train better global citizens with critical thinking, offer them skills and opportunities, and empathize these issues in classrooms.
We strongly welcome the focuses of this project in students, in their learning, and the work in a collaborative way by sharing experiences with students in schools worldwide.
The UNESCO 2014/21 UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet), and its International Strategy embraces the commitment to "Building Global Citizenship and Promoting Sustainable Development" in Education for Global Citizenship and Education for Climate Change. Students learn to understand the causes and consequences of climate change and are encouraged to adopt more sustainable lifestyles.
The discovery of Being, of Knowing, of Doing and Learning to Live Together is necessary: the responses to change begin within each of us!