Climate Action Project-Week 1
Week 1

Placed by Olivera Lučić 2020/Oct/5
JU Srednja ekonomsko-ugostiteljska škola
Europe Montenegro



During the first week of participation, we tried to answer the questions:
What is climate change, our definition?
What causes climate change locally?
Students created posters, billboards and drawings as an association to climate change and its causes.
They tried to localize climate change, believing that air pollution locally causes climate change.
They made presentations on a given topic.

We have combined all the works in one book.

Log in to show Presentation file


Images by Olivera Lučić 2020-10-06Lučić
Images by Olivera Lučić 2020-10-09Lučić
Images by Olivera Lučić 2020-11-03Lučić
Images by Olivera Lučić 2020-11-09Lučić
Images by Olivera Lučić 2020-11-09Lučić
Images by Olivera Lučić 2021-10-26Lučić
Images by Olivera Lučić 2021-10-26Lučić
Images by Olivera Lučić 2021-10-26Lučić
Images by Olivera Lučić 2021-10-26Lučić