CAP Week 1 Vinnytsia Gymnasium # 6
Week 1

Placed by Vladyslav Kachur 2020/Oct/12
Vinnytsia Gymnasium № 6
Europe Ukraine


Despite 1 week of delay, the students of Vinnytsia Gymnasium # 6 started their active participation in the project. During our first meeting we discussed lots of issues connected with climate change and its causes. As a result, we had a wonderful outcome in the form of posters and the video below. 


ClimateActionP Vinnytsia UA Week 1
ClimateActionP Vinnytsia UA Week 2
ClimateActionP Vinnytsia UA Week 3
ClimateActionP Vinnytsia UA Week 3
Images by Vladyslav Kachur 2020-10-18Kachur
Images by Vladyslav Kachur 2020-10-18Kachur
Images by Vladyslav Kachur 2021-10-13Kachur
Images by Vladyslav Kachur 2021-10-13Kachur
Images by Vladyslav Kachur 2021-10-27Kachur