Carla Freitas

English Teacher who loves reading, teaching, travelling and dancing. I'm a people's person.

School: Agrupamento de Escolas de Airaes 25 students are involved

Projects 2022

CAP Week 1

week 2 - effects

Besides working in grupos in the topic, it was #PantEd week

Environmental Issues - Week 3

week 4- talking about solutions

students talked about environemntal problems , causes and effects globally and locally. They have participated in a virtual classroom with Turkey to talk about the effects of climate change in both countries

Week 5 29701

This year we are going to build bird houses as a way to help the environment and protect species. We've attended the Lego Build the Change Webinar  and decided on that topic.

Week 6 -


Images by Carla Freitas 2022-11-12Freitas
Images by Carla Freitas 2022-11-12Freitas
Images by Carla Freitas 2022-10-14Freitas
Images by Carla Freitas 2022-10-20Freitas
Images by Carla Freitas 2022-10-28Freitas
Images by Carla Freitas 2022-11-07Freitas