What is climate change, what is causing climate change? What are the weather conditions?
Week 1

Placed by Zorica Janković 2021/Sep/29
OŠ "23. oktobar"
Europe Serbia
Sremski Karlovci


Weather conditions are: weather phenomena, air temperature, precipitation, wind, thunder and the impact of weather conditions on people's lives and work. They depend on atmosphere conditions and they are weather determinants through the daytime.

Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of time patterns and that change lasts for a longer period of time. It causes extreme events such as large fires, floods, soil erosion, storms and tropical heat waves. One example of this phenomenon is when it happens that it does not rain for a month, and then the rain does not stop for the next month. 

Climate change is affected by people and events on Earth: air density, temperature, biotic processes and variations in the solar radiation received by the Earth.

Our position on climate change is: it is undesirable, and we can certainly do something! It is important to find out how climate change is affecting the world around us. In this way, we can all mitigate our negative impact on the climate. People should not throw garbage on the street, moreover, they need to sort garbage. By mitigating the effects of climate change, the ice in Antarctica would not melt so quickly!






Images by Zorica Janković 2021-10-05Janković
Images by Zorica Janković 2021-10-21Janković
Images by Zorica Janković 2021-10-25Janković