What causes climate change?
Week 1

Placed by Iwona Kowalik 2020/Oct/2
Primary School no 16
Europe Poland


The first week of our project was to look for threats to the climate of our planet. We started the classes by finding the differences between the terms "weather" and "climate". The students themselves tried to create definitions of both terms. They then compiled a list of threats to the climate in a shared text document in Google Drive. They also searched for the causes of climate change online. Here is our list:

  • smog caused by too many cars
  • burning garbage
  • coal firing
  • overpopulation of the planet
  • fires and smoke
  • deforestation
  • combustion of oil and gas, fossil fuels
  • the use of nitrogen fertilizers
  • volcanic eruptions
  • aerosols, i.e. particles like soot floating in the atmosphere
  • cement production releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, in particular CO2
  • increasing agricultural land
  • increasing livestock farming - cows and sheep produce large amounts of methane during digestion
  • warfare - the use of chemical and biological weapons, bombs
  • use of combined heat and power plants
  • no use of filters in industry
  • water pollution by industry
  • irresponsible waste management
  • buying too many unnecessary things
  • overheating and then airing the apartments

Later students created collages to present threats to the climate.

We will continue our work next week.

Best regards

Iwona Kowalik, Primary School no 16 in Wrocław, Poland

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Images by Iwona Kowalik 2020-10-18Kowalik
Images by Iwona Kowalik 2020-10-10Kowalik
Images by Iwona Kowalik 2020-10-18Kowalik
Images by Iwona Kowalik 2020-11-05Kowalik
Images by Iwona Kowalik 2020-11-05Kowalik
Images by Iwona Kowalik 2020-11-05Kowalik
Images by Iwona Kowalik 2021-10-23Kowalik
Images by Iwona Kowalik 2021-10-23Kowalik