My grandson wrote a letter when he was learning how to form letters to my apartment's garden committee to get a plot to garden with me in the spring of 2022. We received the raised garden plot in October. If it is not clean by Thanksgiving, we will begin cleaning and preparing the soil for Spring planting in New England.
My granddaughter is interested in writing letters and numbers. We started a picture book last year as a possible way of raise awareness of climate change and our family's solution to two challenges, learning how to read and write as well as keeping our earth from getting sicker. Our process can be seen at Because Earth Has a Fever has been so much part of our journey through this year's challenge, we are changing the name to Earth Has a Fever First Word, First Steps to make it better. I wonder what the final title will be.
We connected with a teacher in the USA with whom we collaborated last year, but she was not participating in the program. We did not receive a reply from the other two educators we contacted at the beginning of the Challenge. We will keep on trying.
We will continue to build our bilingual picture book of Earth Has a Fever ABC with words we will be learning from the LEGO resources and the EarthShot Generation website. We will also try to read all the pictures books recommended this year.