Projects of Week 1

Week 1 Causes of Climate Change
Week 1

Placed by Kiran Tiwari 2021/Oct/1


Navrachana Higher Secondary School, Sama has taken up an International Climate Action Project, wherein the students of class 5 were made aware of the serious issue of climate change and the consequences. Students participated with full enthusiasm and vigour.
Students made informative posters on the topic – Causes of Climate Change.
The children also recorded their opinion about the causes of Climate Change.

URL to Video on OneDrive
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Images by Kiran Tiwari 2021-10-01Tiwari
Images by Kiran Tiwari 2021-10-09Tiwari
Images by Kiran Tiwari 2021-10-16Tiwari
Images by Kiran Tiwari 2021-10-23Tiwari
Images by Kiran Tiwari 2021-10-30Tiwari
Images by Kiran Tiwari 2021-10-30Tiwari