Prasita Ravindran

Hi I am Prasita, working as a facilitator for Early Years. I love to learn and explore new things and make my classroom interactive. 


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School: Manchester International School 17 students are involved

Projects 2022

Causes of climate change

In this early year classroom the students investigated about different seasons and climatic conditions. 

Here they enquired about the following situations. 

  • What will happen if it rains whole day 
  • What will happen if no trees around 
  • What will happen if there is no night time

Effects of climate change

Discussion started with natural disasters and it's effects. 

1.Students came with their perspective by seeing the video. 

2.Picture provocations 

3.Reasons behind the natural disasters


Local and global effects of climate change

Students learned about different regional incidents and also disasters happened around the world. 

Their learning was presented by them through models, posters , chart presentation etc. 


Images by Prasita Ravindran 2022-10-01Ravindran
Images by Prasita Ravindran 2022-10-07Ravindran
Images by Prasita Ravindran 2022-10-19Ravindran
Images by Prasita Ravindran 2022-11-22Ravindran
Images by Prasita Ravindran 2022-11-22Ravindran
Images by Prasita Ravindran 2022-11-22Ravindran
Images by Prasita Ravindran 2022-11-22Ravindran