Nurbanu Erkeç

Co-teacher: English teacher
I have been teaching English since 2004. I love my job.


Follow me on Twitter: Twitter

School: Devrek Anadolu Lisesi 25 students are involved The average age of the students: 16 Year

Projects 2022

Week 1- Introducing SDGs

We have prepared painting activities for primary school students including SDGs figures. We believe that awereness begins at childhood. So next week we will visit pupils and give the paintings.

Plant a tree

We have planted some trees at the school garden.

Interaction with Portugal

We have met online and introduced each other. Talked about what we have done before. Sharing our former etwinning and erasmus project about climate action.


Hi we have had meeting Portugal, Kazakhistan,Moldova.

All the countries pay attention zero waste, Reyes and recycling.

Students meeting

Students have shared their solutions each other.

Acknowledge of school principle

We have mentioned our project to school principle.


Images by Nurbanu Erkeç 2022-10-30Erkeç
Images by Nurbanu Erkeç 2022-10-30Erkeç
Images by Nurbanu Erkeç 2022-10-15Erkeç
Images by Nurbanu Erkeç 2022-10-30Erkeç
Images by Nurbanu Erkeç 2022-10-30Erkeç