Mehtap Topçu

Co-teacher: Nurdan ŞAHİN


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School: ÖZEL ESKİŞEHİR OSB MESLEKİ VE TEKNİK ANADOLU LİSESİ 15 students are involved The average age of the students: 14 Year

Projects 2022

İklim Değişikliği


In the 1st week, our students did research on climate change. They then created their own definition of climate change. They videotaped these definitions. They also made presentations to other school students by writing on fund cards.

Effects of climate change

Our students planted saplings at school as an activity this week. Our students who could not attend planted seedlings at home. They also designed a flyer on the canva program for climate change impacts. They took the print out and distributed the brochures around them and gave information.

Effects of climate change

In the 3rd week, our students prepared a drama about climate change.  They designed a poster.  They prepared a PowerPoint presentation. They shared information on climate change with their peers in India.

İklim Değişikliği Çözümleri

4. hafta öğrencilerimiz Lego webinarına katıldılar. İklim krizine dikkat çekmek için piknik alanında çöp toplama etkinliği düzenlediler. Geri dönüştürülebilir atıkları okuldaki geri dönüşüm kutularına attılar. Çözümler hakkında bir video yaptılar. Enerji tasarruflu ampul ve bisiklet kullanımına dikkat çektiler. Kendi doğal parfümünü yaptılar.

Our 4th week students attended the Lego webinar. They organized a garbage collection event at the picnic area to draw attention to the climate crisis. They threw the recyclable waste into the recycling bins at the school. They made a video about the solutions. They drew attention to the use of energy-saving light bulbs and bicycles. They made their own natural perfume.

5. hafta İklim değişikliği çözümleri

In the 5th week, the students and teachers of the metal department of our school made a profile recycling box for the collection of plastic bottles.  The tool and working principle designed by our vocational teacher in order to produce water were explained to our students.  Our students created a list of solutions on the fund cardboard.  Our assistant principal of the school gave a speech on solutions.

URL to Video on OneDrive

İklim Değişikliği İle İlgili Eylem Planı

In the 6th week, we wrote a letter to call on the climate crisis as teachers and students in the action plan. We went to Eskişehir's local newspaper. We handed it over to the editor-in-chief.

